Virtual Tours
and Exhibits
We know that nothing beats seeing artifacts and exhibits in person, but hope that you'll enjoy watching our new series of virtual tours. The Museum is thankful for the generous support of Columbia Basin Trust, and Tourism Revelstoke in launching this series.
We look forward to sharing these stories with you.
Enjoy a selection of our Model Moments featuring scenes from the Revelstoke Model Railway Club's layout, here at the museum.
These model moments are brought to you through grant from the Columbia Basin Trust, and the Resort Municipality Initiative.
These stories speak to the survival of the Canadian Pacific Railway, communities, families, individuals and ultimately of the nation. History tells us of the when and where of events. Here you have an opportunity to hear the story from the railroaders who lived it and one story leads to another. The retired railroaders who participated in our oral history events look back on their lives - the good and bad - with a willingness to share. Although unpredictable and challenging, a life on the railroad appears to foster a resilient spirit.
This project started with a grant from the Columbia Kootenay Cultural Alliance, with the goal to digitize the hours of raw footage taken from our Coffee Clubs. This project is now exhibited on the Virtual Museum of Canada; the largest digital source of stories and experiences shared by Canada’s museums and heritage organizations: